What is the idea?

As my future project, I’d like to solve a problem which I see as important and which makes me really excited…

Which problem? That continuing medical education (CME) is unfortunately often boring and of poor quality. You listen to a lecture, you get tired and didn’t learn much… Also, most CME for GPs is done by specialists, which is often not very practical as well.

How to solve this in an exciting way? By offering an online CME event which invites only the very best international lecturers. Knowledgeable, articulate and passionate… Also, mainly GP lecturers… I’m getting excited just by writing about this idea 🙂

When? Not now, but hopefully in the near future. At first, I’d like to focus on the blog and newsletter. If this works well, I’d be ready for another project!

Can you help? It’s all about identifying the most amazing medical lecturers. If you can recommend an amazing speaker from your country, please let me know! Just contact me here or anywhere else!


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